fulfill obligation

英 [fʊl'fɪl ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn] 美 [fʊl'fɪl ˌɑːblɪˈɡeɪʃn]




  1. And I would expect that Pakistan will certainly fulfill that obligation.
  2. Parties concerned shall fulfill the obligation of settlement and delivery with regard to the results of subscription and redemption confirmed by this bourse.
  3. To commit ( money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation. The person performing such act is liable.
  4. But it is regrettable that these two cases, couples to fulfill this obligation to each other not only far from being conscious.
  5. You is required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact.
  6. Any units and departments ( not including exclusively foreign-owned enterprises) shall fulfill the obligation to place demobilized conscripts.
  7. The Contractor shall provide and make at its own expense any further copies required by it, whether in electronic or hardcopy forms, and maintain sufficient copies of same in order to fulfill its obligation under the contract.
  8. The asset manager and the asset trustee shall scrupulously abide by duties, fulfill the obligation of good faith, wariness and diligence, and treat all the investors equally.
  9. To fulfill explaining obligation is a premise which can realize the informed consent, while the important document of informed consent is a key principle to carry out the informed consent.
  10. Where the subsequent tenant disagrees with the delivery in the current state, Party B shall fulfill the obligation of restoring to the original state as required in this provision.
  11. The way you fulfill your obligation to the people who helped you is by doing the great stuff you've always dreamed about, while helping others go even further at the same time.
  12. Taxpayers shall fulfill their obligation of tax payment in accordance with the provisions of tax laws, tax administrative rules or regulations.
  13. "The squirrel answered," I only fulfill my obligation to build up a reserve fund.
  14. If the insured fails to fulfill the obligation of notice stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity of the insured event which occurs due to the increased risk to the subject matter of the insurance.
  15. A sole proprietorship enterprise shall fulfill its obligation to pay tax in accordance with the law.
  16. If the supplier fails to fulfill his obligation within such final time, the purchaser may himself undertake or employ a third party to undertake necessary remedial works at the risk and expense of the supplier.
  17. Insurance risk increases, and didn't insurant fulfill announcement obligation what to kind of law consequence you can bear likely?
  18. Arroyo urged the foreign department to further fulfill its obligation to serve the people and to possibly set up an around-the-clock toll free hotline so that Filipinos can inquire about their family members in case a disaster or emergency occurs overseas.
  19. Citizens shall enhance environmental protection awareness, adopt low-carbon and energy-saving lifestyle, and conscientiously fulfill the obligation of environmental protection.
  20. So, trade unions, enterprises and government should all fulfill their obligation.
  21. After China's accession to WTO, the question about how to fulfill the obligation of Tariff Concession has become the hot topic and the key point in the discussion in academic circles and in judicial practice.
  22. The state should assist the Court to execute the arrest warrant and fulfill the obligation of surrender.
  23. Nation states should fulfill their obligation concerning health right as stipulated by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights so as to give full scope to their crucial role in global health governance.
  24. The court proceedings in his reply to the defendant to fulfill this obligation, objective obligations, lawsuits to take care of obligations.
  25. So, can the principle of good faith be applied in tax law to adjust legal relationship in the tax revenue and guide tax authorities and taxpayers exercise the right and fulfill the obligation well, this becomes a problem.
  26. Legal liability has deterrent of law, which impels liquidation obligor to fulfill obligation accurately and timely.
  27. Security obligations in accordance with the law must fulfill its obligation to protect human rights, if a violation of the statutory obligation would be to assume the tort liability.
  28. Both groups are from the liquidation of the composition, terms, etc. to be provided for the disregard of the law, refused to fulfill obligation people clearing the lack of clear responsibility for the terms and provisions of the sanctions.
  29. Security obligations is the personal and property security duty borne by a party to the other party, in particular the duties of care and attention. Failure to fulfill this obligation shall cause to be liable for damages.
  30. According to Chinese relative laws, in the cases of wrongful birth, the defendant does not fulfill obligation completely, break agreements.